
Transformational Leadership

James McGregor Burns was one of the first theorists to take a philosophical approach to the notion of leadership. He described the process of transformational leadership as one that changes and transforms individuals, while frequently incorporating a charismatic and visionary leadership style. This type of leadership encourages followers to go beyond their expectations and shoot for goals they once thought were unattainable. By taking this attitude, leaders are raising the levels of morality in their subordinates as well as their own.
Burns stated that transformational leadership “occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality.” By a way of interaction, transformational leadership creates a two-way learning process from which both leaders and followers benefit from, resulting in a progression of the morality and motivation of the individuals.

Remember the Titans:



  1. Hey Pedro, I like the video and slideshow you chose/did. Remember the Titans is one of my favorite movies and I was about to choose a clip from it. This video is a really good example of transformational leadership due to the inspiration it brings. Denzel Washington is trying to bring his team together by helping them overcome their racist attitudes; at the same time, he is learning from them and catering his leadership to them. Good job on the videos!


  2. This is an awesome example of transformational leadership. The coach is challenging the boys to change their attitudes and ways of thinking in order to come together and accomplish a common goal. He wants the team and boys as individuals to become the best that they can be. Love this movie!

  3. I definitely believe that Coach Boon in Remember the Titans is a good example of transformational leadership. Denzel motivates and changes the morality of the entire team. He completely changed the entire team, not just a few plays, every single person's morality was changed. He wanted to not only to make an amazing football team, he wanted to make a team that bonded and had morals and was more than a football team. You can see the transformation happen throughout the movie and Denzel is the major factor in that transformation.
